milieu ouvert de la robertsau

Open Habitats in Robertsau-Wantzenau Forest

From dry grass to wet meadows, a stone’s throw…

The nature reserve also encompasses 36.8 hectares of open habitats within its borders. Theres are meadow formations whose floristic composition varies according to the level of humidity of the soil. As such, you can find dry grass flourishing with orchids alongside wet meadows where the rare Iris sibirica (Siberian iris) grows.

Two natural habitats that earned the site membership to the Natura 2000 network have also been identified. According to the Natura 2000 nomenclature, they are the following habitats:

  • 6210 Semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland facies on calcereous substrates rich in orchids;
  • 6510 – Extensively managed hay meadows at low altitude (Alopecurus pratensis, Sanguisorba officinalis).

These habitats represent a major feature of the nature reserve because they are a biotope for rare – and even extremely rare –  animal and plant species, such as the Dusky large blue (Phengaris nausithous) and the Meadow rue (Thalictrum simplex). To ensure these species have optimal living conditions, appropriate management practices are in place: mowing planned around life cycles and eco-grazing (Highland cattle).

25 espèces végétales rares ou simplement remarquables dépendent des milieux ouverts de la réserve de la Robertsau – La Wantzenau

Source EMS

milieu ouvert de la robertsau