Preserving and promoting our heritage

Strasbourg Neuhof/Illkirch Graffenstaden Forest

The nature reserve

Neuhof - Illkirch Graffenstaden Forest

Neuhof Illkirch and Rohrschollen forests originally formed a single forested area subjected to the devastating floods of the Rhine. The Rhine alluvial forest, composed of a variety of landscapes in constant evolution, was home to an abundance of flourishing vegetation. This remarkable and diverse plant life provided habitats for a rich variety of wildlife.

Neuhof-Illkirch Nature Reserve is 4 km from Strasbourg city center. Take one of the four entrances into the forest and start your visit:

  • North-East entrance, near the Coucou des Bois restaurant:
  • Central entrance, close to the L’Oberjaegerhofrestaurant:
  • North entrance, along the old “Route de la Faisanderie”:
  • West entrance, Chemin du Rheingartenweg.

The nature reserve’s missions

Preserve our heritage

The Nature Reserve designation provides high-level protection underpinned by strict rules and regulations. The aim is to preserve natural spaces and to protect species and habitats threatened with extinction. If we wish to save our rich natural heritage so future generations can also enjoy it, it is our duty to behave in a way that is kind to the environment on these sites.

Valuing species

Surveys provide a report on the status of species and habitats at a given time. They are a way to identify particular species that are in need of targeted research. These surveys are conducted by passionate naturalists, who can be research officers from the site, but also volunteers from local associations or specialist research organizations. 

Strasbourg Neuhof/Illkirch Graffenstaden Forest

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