Greater meadow-rue


Thalictrum aquilegiifolium


I grow to between 50 cm and 1.2 m tall.

Where and when can you find me in the reserve ?

  • I prefer woody habitats and grow best in meadows at the forest edge or in wet forest borders.

How can you recognize me ?

  • My pompom-like flowers appear between May and July. In color they range from white to dark pink.
  • My leaves are similar to those of the columbine.

What other species might you mistake me for ?

  • My flowers and leaves are distinctive so it’s difficult to confuse me with any other species.
Conservation status
  • Red list of vascular plants in metropolitan France: Least Concern (LC).
  • Red list of endangered vascular plants in Alsace: Endangered (EN).
  • I am protected in Alsace.

Remember that picking flowers and plants is prohibited in nature reserves.